Intel Science Talent Search Eligibility: Satisfactory academic standing is required to retain scholarship. Applicant must be in the last year of secondary school, and enter the competition by submitting a written report on an independent research project in science, mathematics or engineering, along with standardized test scores, transcript and official entry form. Award: $100,000 4-year scholarship (1st place), $75,000 4-year scholarship(2nd place), $50,000 4-year scholarship (3rd place). Contact: Science Services, Inc Science Education Programs 1719 N. Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 (202)785-2255 Deadline: May 15, 2002 Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Eligibility: African American who are U.s. Citizens,3.0 GPA,1000 SAT or 24 on the ACT, and attending HBCU. Award: The amount awarded varies, depending upon the availability of funds. Contact: Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 100 Park Avenue, 10th Floor New York, NY 10017 (212)878-2221 Deadline: Dates vary by school. Web American Chemical Society Scholar Program Eligibility: High school seniors planning to enter college in the following fall. Applicants must be African American, Latio, American Indian, or Alaskan Native. Selection is based on academic merit and financial need. Award: Scholarships up to 2,500 per year. Contact: American Chemical Society Attn:Membership Divison 1155 16th ST. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)872-6250 (800)227-5558 Fax 202-776-8003 Deadline: February 15, 2002 web site Engineering Vanguard Program Scholarships Eligibility: Students from inner city high schools in participating cities who are bypassed by conventional university recruiting. Award: Provides full payment of tuition and room costs at participating university. Contact: National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering(NACME) Attn: Director, Academic Programs 350 Fifth Avenue Suite 2212 New York,NY 10118-2299 (212)279-2626 Deadline: October 26, 2002 web site Society of Women Engineers(SWE) Eligibility: Female student enrolled in or planning to enroll in an engineering program at a four-year institution. Must be U.S. citizen. Award: Up to $2,000 Contact: Society of Women Engineers Scholarship Information 230 E. Ohio St. Suite 400 Chicago, IL 60611-5223 (312)596-5223 Deadline: Postmarked by May 15, 2002 Web site William R. Hearst Techforce Endowment Scholarship Eligibility: African American, Latino, or American Indian high cshool students committed to pursing an undergraduate engineering degree. Award: $2,500 per year (renewable) Contact: National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering. 350 Fifth Avenue Suite 2212 New York,NY 10118-2299 (212)279-2626 Deadline: December 1 of each year. Web site Minority Undergraduate Scholarship for Physics Eligibility: Minority high school seniors, college freshmen or sophomores, planning to major in physics. Award: $2000 Contact: American Physical Society Attn: Minority Scholarships One Physics Ellipse College Park MD, 20740-3844 (301)209-3232 Deadline: First Friday in February Web site: Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Foundation
Eligibility: Hispanic students who are interested in studying engineering or science.
Award: $500-$7000 Contact: Director of Educationl Programs Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Foundation 5400 E. Olympic Boulevard, Suite #210 Los Angeles, CA 90022 (323) 888-2080 Deadline: April 15 of each year.
(AISES) Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation Scholarship
Eligibility: High school seniors residing in states serviced by the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Pacific Corporation and its affiliated companies: AZ,CO,KS,MN,MT,NM,OK,OR,SD,WA,San Bernadino County in California. At least 1/4 American Indian/Alaskan Native and/or is recognized as a member of a federal recognized tribe.
Award: $2,500, which is renewable easch year depending on students standing. Contact: AISES (American Indian Science and Engineering Society 2201 Buena Vista, S.E., Suite 301 Albequerque, NM 87106 (505)765-1052 Deadline: April 15, 2002 Web site:
Northrop Grumman Scholarships
Eligibility: Entering Freshmen women majoring in engineering or computer science at an accredited school, college, or university.
Award: $1,500 or $1,000 per year Contact: Society of Woemn Engineers 230 E. Ohio Street Chicago, Il 60611-3265 (312)596-5223 Deadline: May of each year Web site:
Information Handling Services/SAE Women, Engineers Commitee Scholarships
Eligibility: High school women or minorities who are seniors witha 3.0 GPA and accepted into an accredited engineering program.
Award: $1,500 Contact: Society of Automotive Engineers Attn: Education Relations 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 (724)772-8534 Deadline: Dec. 1, 2002 Web site:
Scholarships available for majors in Architecture, Business Admin.,Computer Science, Engineering, Math / Stats, Law & Medicine.
The AAUW is the American Association of University Women.
Minority/Black Female Scholars Wanted
The Selected Professions Fellowships Program is now accepting applications for the 2002-2003 academic year. These various grants/fellowships range from $2,000-$50,000 and provide direct financial assistance to black female scholars pursuing professional degrees in architecture, business administration, computer science, engineering,math/statistics, law, and medicine.
Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. Most candidatesmust be entering their final year of a graduate or first-professionaldegree in an eligible discipline in the 2002-03 academic year. Exceptions are made for women in engineering master's programs who are also eligible for funding during the first year of their program. Women in medicine are also additionally eligible for funding in their third year.
To apply or find out more about this go to and click on fellowships and grants. Deadlines vary for different awards.